Web Development
LinkSoft can also provide customers with a full website development service from Graphic Design, Content Managed Site Development, Online Bookings to Search Engine Optimisation.
We work with each individual client to develop a site that is specific to their requirements, meets the real world needs and returns real measurable value.
If your site is getting a little old in the tooth or not returning the value you were hoping for or if you would like for your customers to be able to place bookings directly into the LinkSoft suite of applications please
Contact Us and let us tailor a solution to suite your needs.
Some the many sites using LinkSoft's custom Content Management System that allows them to change the content of their site as often as they require:

A Geelong based heavy haulage, towing and transport business with around 30 late model vehicles. Account customers can log into their site and view their jobs, the location of the tow truck assigned and the updated status of the job as it progresses.
www.alliedtowing.com.au |

Whether you want to learn to fly or charter a helicopter for a special event Austcopters has skilled pilots and meticulously maintained helicopters to suite your needs.
www.austcopters.com.au |

LinkSoft donated their time and skill to create this website for the non profit Brisbane Baseball Academy.
www.brisbanebaseballacademy.com.au |

Melbourne Hire Cars website ties directly into desktop Limousine Manager software for customers to make online bookings.
www.melbournehirecars.com.au |

Ready Towing is a large towing company located in Brisbane, Queensland. Their website allows account customers to place jobs directly into their Tow Manager software.